Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Michael The Architect!

This week we interviewed some one new!  His name is Micheal and he is architect.  This is all the new facts I learned about him.

Michael stared architecture when he was young.  He said "I stared doing architecture because I can design house's".  And he had to work as a team to get the work done.  He went to UNC and his in degree was architecture.    He had to study architecture for 10 years.  He said "Dont get comfortable with your work".  He said "Try new things and dont give up in something you believe in".  He said  "Ask alot of questions in the world around you".  He like's to draw and thats part of his job.  He likes being a architect. 

Did you know that Michael is my teacher brother in law?

Monday, August 26, 2013

My Interview John

Welcome to my blog!   Every week my class will interview someone new and learn about education and their careers.   Our weekly interveiws will be a part of our We 've Got Our i 's On Careers project.

This week we interviewed John!   I learned that John had one sister and three brothers.   And that his dad did not put that much pressure on him.   He paid for his college.   And on his first year of college he did not good grades.   His parents did not get to go to college.   He stared science because of his professors.   When he stared science some of the things he made did not work but he never gave up. He graduated from NIU.   He had to move from state to state for his job.   When he moved he was scared at first but then he faced the bright side he was doing something he loved.  He said that it took team work to do science.   He still try's to make something new.   If he did not do science he would have been a teacher. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

All About Me

My name is Jonaria. Im in the class of 2025. We are a special group of students that learn about collages and careers every week. I will be blogging about what I learn every week. Stay tuned for more!